The best way to explore Svalbard’s stunning nature is to travel by dog team!  Many small foot prints, but free from engine noise and smell of exhaust, and plenty of dog cuddle!

We  care for Svalbard’s nature, our dogs and guides health and well-being.  The trips we offer therefore  dependent on the time of the year you are planning to visit us. 

The ultimate Svalbard experience – combine dog sledding with a tour in an ice cave

Price per person

3.190 NOK

Explore the Arctic with dog team

Price per person

3.190 NOK

Insight into an Arctic sled-dog’s life: Polarnight Adventure with dogsledding, lunch and slideshow

Price per person

2.150 NOK

Dogsledding in the Polar Night at daytime

Price per person

1.750 NOK

Mountain Dog Sledding

Price per person

1.890 NOK

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